Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Sweet Girl for all the sweet Visitors.....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome to Hell Down Under

MTV Roadies 6 Australia : Hurdles to be overcome in your way in Australia

Sunny beaches, stringy bikinis and chilled beer, ideal Australian vacation! Dhakkun you’re not on a vacation. When you get to Australia you’ll meet the devil himself – Raghu Ram. So if you’re still thinking about the auditions then this might change your mind.

Welcome to Hell Down Under.

Poisonous Snakes

These are not your mythical, friendly snakes we see in our Hindi movies. They won’t bless you or be morphed into a pretty lady with magical powers. These Australian snakes are known to bite and kill. The most dangerous snake in the world is the Australian Inland Taipan and the strangest thing is that it has never killed anyone, as yet. Maybe they’re just waiting for you.
Besides this slithering devil, Australia also has King Brown, Python, Tiger Snake, Redbellied Black Snake, Eastern Brown Snake to name a few. You can discover the rest when you stomp your fat feet over them.
We take no responsibility for your nightmares.

Dangerous Spiders

Incy wincy spider crawls up the spout. Down came a Roadie and pulled his eyes out. Well, if you come to Australia that’s what you’ll do when you see the Funnel Web Spider. It is the deadliest spider in the world waiting to bite someone after it killed a tourist recently. And if you miss your date with this devilish imp, Australia has other interesting ones like the Redback Spider, White-tailed, Huntsman, Australian tarantulas and the Golden Orb Weaver, we can go on and on but we think that you just gulped! Scared already?


Maybe you think you’re too tough for snakes and spiders, but what about Australian Crocodiles? Imagine coming face to face with the Australian man eating croc, what would you do then? Cross your fingers and pray to be invisible. Their brain size is twice as yours, so do not think you can outwit these cunning and unpredictable man eaters. If they are hungry and catch your body odour then game’s over.
Survival hint: Get croc repellant. Oh wait, that’s out of stock, sorry.

We’re not trying to scare you; we’re trying to SCARE you away, because we want to take a Roadie to Hell Down Under. So if you’ve already accepted defeat and thinking of calling it quits (wise decision), why don’t you send your enemies instead? We’ll get the dirty job done for you.

Pst….We’re coming up with some task games for losers like you who can never get the real thing.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Make a good Use Your Time

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